
vrijdag 6 april 2018

Castello #14123 (tegenwoordig Loki).

Hello all! 

I'm Castello, renamed as Loki by my owners, who I very much adore.
They are so nice to me and I feel very loved every day. I get
so many cuddles and kisses every day that I have stopped counting.
Funny thing is, I'm allowed to come cuddle them on the couch, 
but their bedroom is a no-zone. It's okay to me though since we
spend a lot of time in the living room.

Little while ago, I got to go dog school which was so much fun! 
There was at least ten puppy friends of mine, the only minus part was we 
weren't allowed to play at all. I quickly noticed that if I follow my parents 
lead and do what they ask, I got rewarded big time. 

After that, I have tried to do all my known tricks one after another,
but it does not seem to be working anymore. 
They just tell me I'm a good boy but give barely any treats. 
I guess they might be smarter than I am sometimes.

I have also gone to the vets quite a few times. I do like going in there,
because I always feel better after that. My owners have giving me some 
miracle pills, that has stopped my itchiness and cured my red skin! I think
that is amazing and I now get to sleep the whole night without waking up
scratching myself.

My mom takes me to work nearly every day and her friends in there are so nice
to me! They scratch me and play with me all day long. There is also lots
of other dogs. I especially love my best friend Olive, who is also a rescue
puppy. Some weekends we go on long walks in different forests and our owners
let us run around off leash for hours! She is so much fun, though she is not
always as good at sharing toys as I am. My mom is always really proud of me 
that I let other puppies play with my toys.

All in all, I feel so happy that I got new family and home where I get
everything I need. I get to eat nice food and treats, sleep in my cozy
bench on my fluffy fleece blanket and play and sleep as much as I want.
Only thing I miss from Spain is the warmth. Everyone keeps telling me that
summer will be coming here too but at the moment I'm still wearing my amazing winter coat.

Happy spring to all my other puppy friends back in Spain and also here in
the Netherlands. If you are ever looking for a play friend in Amsterdam I
am more that happy to show you my favorite spots!


Loki (also the owners: Sebastiaan and Milla)

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