
donderdag 6 juli 2017

Weer een succesverhaal,.... Little Pony....

Hallo Mensen, 

Nadat onze Toco naar huis ging gisteren en deze getuigenis vandaag,…
wat een hartverwarmende gelukkige happy ends,…

Hier doen we het voor !!

Dear ACE volunteers, 

On 1th July Little Pony arrived by plane in Amsterdam. Curious like the other dogs. But we had a click from the first moment. What a charming dog he is. He is curious, not fearing and finds his own way. No problems at all to take him to the car, in a bench, on his own paste, sniffing around. 
Our old 11 year female dog Lola who is a straydog from Syria welcomed him quietly at home. . 
Funny as he was not used to sleep on his own bed, he used me as a cushion for his first hours asleep in the Hague. The first 3 days he gets to know the environment, the forest, the neighbours with their dogs. 
And he is doing so well. No stress, no anxiety, as we let him do and learn at his own paste. 
He eats well, likes the food of good quality to help getting his legs and bones strong. All he has to do he does it outside, no diarrhea. He looks happy, and is funny in his acting and finding out what to do with what he seas or gets. 
After 2 days of a bit anxiety he is now settled, feels at home, rests in between his walks in order to settle with all the new impressions he gets..  
In 2 days we will go and train in a playful way in a special dog field (surrounded by gates) to see how he can run freely and if he listens to come back. We live near a forest and the beach, it would be nice if he can enjoy it by running around after some time.. 
Enclosed a few pictures of how he gets used to his own bed (instead of my bed or the couch), a rest in the garden with our elder dog Lola, and one of him sleeping with his blue Kong (specially dogproof toy, his best found friend). 
In short, we love this guy, and thank all the volunteers in Spain who helped him to become such a nice character. He has many years to go still in an enjoyable doglife. 

Kind regards,

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