
maandag 17 juli 2017

One year with Oliver... many more to go!

It has been a bit over a year since we adopted Oliver with ACE Charity, and now we just cannot imagine our life without him!
We went to Schiphol airport in June 2016 to pick up a scared puppy who, we had been told, would have a lot of fear and probably quite some issues trusting us. We were more than ready to take it easy, be patient and understanding and to give him as much time as he needed… but ended up very surprised when, the second he met us, he jumped into our arms and showed nothing but happiness to be with us. Almost as if he knew that we were there just for him!

Since that first moment, he won our hearts and became a very important member of our family. He is a little rascal, but his sweet character and funny puppy ways make everybody love him and forgive immediately all his naughtiness!

Over this year, he has fetched countless balls, jumped thousands of times on our sofa, fallen asleep in our arms night after night and traveled by car, bus, tram and train to beaches, forests, restaurants, new cities… and even holiday destinations abroad, like Germany and Belgium!

He has changed our lives in many more ways than we could expect, and there is not one day passing by without him putting a big smile on our faces. Oliver makes our family complete, and we couldn’t be any happier that we opened our lives to him. We cannot wait for all adventures to come for the three of us!

-by Elisa&Marc.

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